Sewer Line Inspection

Sewer Line Inspection Sample Video

Sewer Line Inspection Sample Video

Check out one of our sewer line inspection videos:

Sewer Line Inspection Process

Sewer Line Inspection Process

The Sewer Line Inspection Process

  1. The main clean-out has been buried in the past. We go on the roof and enter the sewer line through the main roof vent.
  2. We are able to see where the clean-out is from inside the pipe. A device on our camera sends out a signal that our locater can accurately pinpoint.
  3. We have found the location of the buried clean-out
  4. We expose the buried clean-out
  5. Our camera parked under the clean-out
  6. We moved our camera to the exposed clean-out, and as you can see, root intrusions in the line are found.
  7. We begin the cleaning process with a proper main sewer line cleaning blade.
  8. Our inspector clears the roots from the line.